The Arts, Fashion and Entertainment area was born out of the need of many artists, who, being followed from a psychological point of view, felt the need to be assisted from an organizational and artistic point of view as well. The presentation of the art area took place during the centenary of the Coni, at the historical headquarters , where the promoter of the exhibition was followed by Cenpis in both communication and psychological and image levels. Relations with the press office and institutions were taken care of directly by Cenpis, which achieved unexpected success and congratulations from the media for its ability to spread the artists’ message in the best possible way.

Several artists have begun to contact us about our innovative Format that provides both psychological and logistical assistance. Several projects are in the works, all of the highest international standard. The mission of the association is to make the artist express himself by supporting and guiding him every step of the way in the realization of artistic and working expression. By employing professionals in the field such as Art Dealers and being in contact with the most famous Auction Houses we are able to put the artist at ease putting him/her in a position to work with serenity .

Another important area is music, which made us proud to be able to apply the same pattern to this artistic expression as well. In the same ways, we want to connect record companies to singers and musicians who want to use our assistance.


Our services

Our services

The purpose of our association is the promotion and enhancement of ‘art and artists, to whom we provide all support for the conduct of their activities and the consolidation of their artistic careers. Meticulous work that takes into account all possible variations in the definition of the project and develops an image communication consistent with the objectives set.

These are the services that the Cenpis art, fashion and entertainment studio can offer artists:

  • Organization and visibility
  • Counseling
  • Design and fittings
  • Advertising and marketing investment
  • Sales and transactions.


Knowledge of the artist and evaluation of the works, with meetings and briefings to determine possible strategies suitable for the launch. Presentation to gallery owners, technical support for exhibits in shows/exhibitions. And again:

  • Solo or group exhibitions of contemporary artists
  • Launching and nurturing new brands in the market
  • Organization of fashion shows and fashion-focused events.


The ‘importance of a good press office is essential for the ‘image and to make the artist’s works known. This is all done through the media and print media, using the right channels. Also essential in this field is the search for sponsors willing to invest in an ‘artist. We perform for you:

  • Search for sponsors
  • Institutional funding
  • Press Office
  • Press and national newspapers
  • Targeted advertising and communication
  • Seeking investors/collectors.


A staff will be made available to conduct an interview-interview to assess whether indeed there is potential for collaboration. It will also be provided to the artist:

  • Psychological support
  • Help with insurance underwriting
  • Legal advice
  • Market orientation.


The choice of location to display one’s work should be made carefully to give the best visibility, as should the gallery owner, who often relies on personal knowledge of the artist. Essential basics for starting one’s career. Presentation and help in:

  • Location Search
  • Design
  • Set up
  • Curation of the exhibition.


The quotation, which often varies depending on the laws of the market, must be followed step by step, with precise rules, to bring about concrete outcomes. We avail ourselves and make available to the artist ‘s legal and prepossessing offices:

  • Sales consulting
  • Stipulation of contracts
  • Taxation
  • Protection of the ‘artist.