Cenpis is the Academy of Talent and Quality of Life, Italy’s leading group for the recovery and success of people

CENPIS – Association of Talent and Quality of Life was founded on July 10, 1981, in Rome, in the original headquarters at Via Nomentana 251 near the city center, thanks to an idea of Prof. Antonio Popolizio and the contribution of his trusted collaborators: to establish a Scientific and Cultural Association of reference that would allow the popularization of psychology and the application of innovative psychotherapeutic techniques for the psychological care and empowerment of people, through a more effective and stable method than those available.

Cenpis: a success story

The scenario of those years saw the first psychology graduates of the new Faculty of Rome (the first in Italy) tepidly appearing, eager to insert into the Italian social fabric the “new science” imported from Sigmund Freud’s Germany, from the English laboratories in London, from France of J. Piaget’s famous studies and from the United States with its innovative cognitivist techniques. In a scientific-cultural climate of strong diatribe with the medical field and frequent skepticism of people regarding the use of a psychological aid, the professor, who in the meantime had gained some clinical experience through personal specialist work, launched a Innovative project of School and Vocational Orientation aimed at state and parochial middle and high schools in Rome and the Province: the results went beyond the most optimistic expectations, with the participation of as many as 10 School Districts (of the 14 existing) and Regional Convention recognized.

The success of such a project will prove to be crucial in the years to come for the growth of CENPIS and the spread of the Orientation service present in the Schools in Rome, sealed by the Regional Conference at Palazzo Barberini on the subject.

May 2, 1996, only 16 years after its founding, CENPIS is a leader in Rome and Lazio for the fields of School Psychology and Individual and Couple Psychotherapy. Several professionals have distinguished themselves over the years for their contributions to the development of the Center, but the spirit and goals have remained the same as always: the dissemination and use of a more scientific, effective and innovative psychology. A simpler and more flexible psychology. To give the best to people.

As of January 7, 1999, with a staff of more than 20 specialist psychologists, CENPIS moved to the heart of Rome’s historic Trieste District (in Trasimeno Square), expanding its structure and equipping itself with three modern offices. This shift actually coincides with a substantial structural and organizational change at the Center: growth in the first 20 years has been remarkable, psychology no longer meets the resistance it once did, other social fields have opened up to psychology and are beginning to use its methods. Staying abreast requires acquiring a new, more dynamic and pragmatic mindset, improving the methods already used and “opening the doors” to new areas: psychology of Work, Legal psychology, Sports psychology, Psychosomatic, Counseling. And it is necessary to train in time the new recruits, the specialists of tomorrow who will continue to offer “CENPIS Psychology,” through the new Masters and Training Schools.

Today CENPIS is a National reality. With three recognized European Projects on health, wellness and sports (100 schools and 30 companies involved, 22,500 families and 1,000 athletes reached); with more than 1,000 projects implemented in more than 800 school, business, and sports facilities and about 6200 families reached each year; with as many as 2,000 cases followed up and about 20 specialists trained and selected through the limited number master’s programs. The first multi-disciplinary association of leading professional practices in relevant fields with two Areas and as many as 10 Sectors, a guarantee of quality in the harmonious and strong empowerment and development of the individual.

Ensuring that projects are always innovative, effective and wide-ranging. Guarantee of Research and Innovation in the methods used, attention to people, and mentality. Tradition Guarantee, CENPIS Guarantee.

Academy of Talent and Quality of Life

Academy of Talent and Quality of Life.

Psychological well-being and personal fulfillment.