Man’s strongest drive is to continuously do what he does best

Occupational Psychology studies the behaviors of people in the work context and in the performance of their professional activities. Everything is analyzed on the basis of interpersonal relationships, tasks to be performed, rules, and the functioning of the organization. The task of occupational psychology is to promote maximum well-being for the people at work, by virtue of which the organization also benefits the most. The ultimate goal is to
Improve psychological conditions
, motivation and relationships with the company and the work environment in general.

Occupational psychology is particularly applied in personnel selection and management, professional evaluation and training, internal workplace communication, and the development of motivational and leadership systems.

Some of the companies we have worked for

Telespazio, Coast Guard, Federagenti Marittimi, Confitarma, Assiterminal, FHP Port Holding Group, Carabinieri, Modena Volleyball, Assiterminal, Fidae (Federation of Catholic Schools) National Assembly and Convention, Confitarma, AIFI (Claudio Dematté Private Equity of The Year 2023 Award).


Our services

Our services

These are the services performed by Cenpis in the area of Occupational Psychology:

  • Personnel selection, recruitment and placement
  • Training courses for business executives on human resource management, leadership and development
  • Coaching and career counseling for business leaders
  • Employee support interviews for work and personal issues
  • Tests for assessing potential and work motivation
  • Design and implementation of customized management systems
  • Analysis of corporate climate and culture
  • Conducting market surveys.

Mental coaching in business for managers and employees

The proposed tools and methodologies aim to assess the human and professional potential of all employees in the company, also highlighting the emotional climate present in “work teams” and, at a more advanced level, carry out an assessment of the positions and roles occupied. Comprehensive knowledge of available human resources is intended to promote the achievement of the Company’s professional goals.

Human resource analysis and development

Comprehensive knowledge of the human resources available is intended to promote the achievement of the Company’s professional goals.

Integrated business development of leadership, winning mentality and business climate

The proposed tools and methodologies aim to assess the human and professional potential of all company employees, while also highlighting the emotional climate present in “work teams.”

High strategic short training for executives and managers

Develop your talent as a leader and manager, motivate others to build united and effective teams, develop well-being and job satisfaction.